

In this didactic unit, we want program the sessions for teach, to the students, different content using the city as a way to contextualization.

We pretend that students have an overview of the unit and can apply this knowledge in reality for behave in a proper way in society and solve any problems.

Throughout the sessions we want children to become interested in agreements contained working in a fun way so they are motivated in the classroom and are eager to learn.

This general knowledge will serve them to students as a basis from which will be able to go deeper into the subject, although this will depend on the interest of each student in learning more about the treated unit.


In this moment of the course of primary, we are in second trimester of this, more specifically in February.

We are prepared four sessions:

The first session is planned to introduce the topic. It will know the characters that accompany the student during the lesson and the basic vocabulary.
We also find rules for the correct use of "there is" and "there are" and started exploring letters, material that we use in the next session.

At the second session we will recover the material prepared earlier and we learn to play a game called "Quick Speed", we can find the materials and game instructions at "resources." With this game, we plan to reinforce the vocabulary learned. Next, we find adverbs of basic location and a small logic game with which to learn them.

The third session of talks about how to give directions. We use the map above, we can find it in the "resources". We ended the lesson by opening a small discussion about pets.

The last session contains a series of questions that will serve to assess students. To finish, we include a song that reinforces vocabulary didactic unit.


The methodology used in the classroom is similar to the method used in natural language learning. To do this, a lot of visual reinforcements are required. Using a blog as support allows the use of visual material directly.

In this unit we find slide shows, videos, audios and many images that facilitate the understanding by the student. This makes the teacher adopts a role as a learning guide and not as a means of transmission of information.

The sessions were developed calmly. Each student in front of your computer will be the protagonist of the story that takes place on their screens, but all members of the class will follow the same rhythm, marked by the teacher.

Also, the teacher will be responsible for guiding games and facilitate materials proposed for the unit. Click there to see the resources.

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